
Throughout the years, OLLI at UAH has provided social and intellectual opportunities for adults age 50+. The curriculum includes virtual and in-person courses, bonus lectures, events, and social and travel opportunities throughout the year. These opportunities are offered at a low cost to everyone to make the programming accessible for all. To maintain this low cost and to continue the high-quality programming members have come to expect from OLLI, we are asking for your help.

As you consider your charitable giving opportunities, please don't forget OLLI at UAH. Funds will be used to strengthen our current programs, create new opportunities, and ensure the fees for membership, courses, and events remain affordable.

Give Today

Make a one time donation to OLLI at UAH.

Gift Levels

All gifts can make an impact!



Give Tomorrow

Make a recurring donation to OLLI at UAH.

Make a Donation

If you prefer donating by Mail or Email, complete the form below and send to: OLLI AT UAH FUND; UAH Foundation; Shelbie King Hall, Third Floor; Huntsville, Alabama 35899. Or email the form to uahadv@uah.edu.

Donate by Mail / Email



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OLLI at UAH Support Fund

Help us nurture and grow OLLI at UAH, while keeping our organization sustainable for generations to come. The Support Fund makes it possible for OLLI at UAH to offer members courses, field trips, travel opportunities, and social engagement.